
For Fabulous Eyes Only: P.S. Bookshop

Today I established my love for Brooklyn. I mean I never really disliked the borough, it more like lack of exploration. While exploring and feeding my inner nerdyness, my friend Jessica (the same one from the previous post cause I don't have that many friends here *sad face*) and I stumbled upon this quaint bookstore called P.S Bookshop . It sells used and rare books of every kind of book you can think of (they even have some first edition copies) and since books and I have this page turning relationship, of course I had to buy something. (did I mention the books are dirt CHEAP and they had this section for books about fashion...oh I was sold)

I bought something timeless: Diane Von Furstenberg's biography (hardcover) for eight bucks and something new: The Age Issue for Vogue for this month. (they both should be great reads). The fashion section there made me want to invest in a sign "will work for fashion books," they had everything from Dior in "Vogue" to an autographed copy of Grace Mirabella's biography (the EIC of Vogue before Anna Wintour). They even had The VIBE History of Hip Hop book, which kind of made me tear up. (the book had EVERYTHING about hip hop in it, I loved it)

This bookstore is no Border's or Barnes And Nobles (I mean they are great when you are in a rush with convenience of a Starbucks), which is why I love it, they even have ladders for people to get on to get those out of reach books. Its so classic and independent. which is what qualifies it for a stamp of fabulous.

P.S. BookShop
145-A Front Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Enjoy :-)

Signed fabulously in PINK,
Tahirah <3

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