
Hello World...

It is exactly 4:30 in the A.M., the perfect time to welcome my new baby into the "blogger world". Yes, this is my baby and I plan to handle it with care, although I have been through two blogs already this one is gonna be IT! I finally have a clear direction about what I want to talk about...NOTHING! I don't want to make any guidelines or themes, just talk about what I feel like at the given moment and time.

At this very moment I am listening to Pandora on my BB (Blackberry for all you uncool other haven't quite seen the light PDA phone users) but I am listening to music on my BB because the inconsistent internet at the place that I'm renting from in Brooklyn decided to go out on the day I want to write my first blog post (just my luck!), which is hindering from posting this. *sad face* But enough of my technology obsessed ravings, let's talk more about my future masterpiece, The B.A.N (The Blog About Nothing)

Yes, there have been many blogs with this same "
name" (which is why I couldn't make this my domain name) but of course not with the same author nor purpose. The name of my blog came from the rapper Wale's mixtape The Mixtape About Nothing (which is hotness indeed), but the blog name also sparked from the nature of my random associations. I pretty much have an interest in everything (this is not an exaggeration), which is why it becomes so daunting when I think about what I want to do with my life (there's so much to choose from). BUT... If I had to narrow it down to two, then my heart would be with music and fashion. These are two things that I can relate anything in my life to, whether I'm uber excited or ready to jump off a cliff (figuratively speaking).

Music: Is one of the most powerful things on this planet. It has the power to make you feel, express your emotions, love, hate, cry. Some songs make you wish you were head over heels in love and other songs make you hope for heartbreak even when you are in love just to endure the emotion of the words sung over a sentimental melody.It has the power to motivate, intimidate, create opinion, bring people together, and break barriers. Music creates possibilities.

Another very powerful commodity, it allows other to express themselves without words (some better than others). This is where I want to be, not just because I happen to be blessed with the ability to put together an striking ensemble but because of the impact that fashion has all over the world. The barriers designers have broken,like CoCo Chanel with women's fashion, and the messages that just one fashion ad or fashion trend can send to the world. I love how every element that you pick out of your closet, every jean, every shoe style, every color has been thoughtfully picked out by the experts in the fashion world whether you like it or not, which is why I love the blue sweater scene from the Devil Wears Prada. I want to be apart of this world, I plan to be the next Anna Wintour and June Ambrose put together (they are both the epitome of fabulous).

Music and Fashion together? Now we've got something. They go together hand-in-hand, each influencing one another...which is why you can't love one and not love the other.

So, welcome to my music, fashion, and daily dose of whatever I feel blog. Enjoy!

Signed fabulously in
Tahirah <3

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